A legally certain and safe whistleblower service

Trust&heart has the ambition to be the safest and most legally certain service in the market to report misconduct and other serious violations that may have taken place within an organisation. The service is designed to be a natural part of the systematic work environment management within an organisation. Moreover, the service is user friendly, legally certain and information secure.

You may also submit suggestions for improvement as a part of the organisation’s systematic improvement work.

  • Anonymous reporting
  • The highest degree of information secure management
  • Legally certain investigation
  • Licensed investigators in the investigative methodology RUM
  • Simple and fast implementation
  • Digital training
  • Submitting proposals for improvement

How it works

  1. The whistleblower reports misconduct and other serious incidents by filling in a structured form on the online platform. This web based platform is accessible from different types of units such as computers, smartphones etc. The whistleblower reports in a language of their choice, either anonymously or by being open with their identity, and gets feedback within seven working days.
  2. The administrative officer immediately gets notified and logs into the system to receive the report and can then take action.  The login is secured by multifactor authentication.
  3. Continued dialogue between the administrative officer and the whistleblower is possible. The whistleblower logs into the system with an ID and password to read the answer from the administrative officer. Data is encrypted both during transmission and storage. In this way the whistleblower can continue to be anonymous during contact with the administrative officer.
  4. The investigation of the reported incident is legally certain. The investigation is supported by characterisation of the type of violation and the upload of material.  When an investigation is completed the case is closed in line with legislation applicable to data storage

The whistleblower service is adjusted to fit your needs

  • All data is stored in Sweden (it is possible to change this if you so wish)
  • Multifactor authentication for administrative officers
  • Support function 7/24/365
  • Adjustible texts and the company’s own logotype
  • Languages are adjusted to fit your needs
  • Responsive webdesign
  • Reporting via computer, phone, e-mail or meeting with the administrative officer
  • Assessment of incoming reports
  • Categorisation of type of misconduct
  • Internal and external investigation
  • Assign cases to different investigators/groups 
  • Training for the administrative officer
  • Substantial number of licensed investigators in our investigative methodology
  • Fast and simple installation and implementation support
  • Function for statistics 
  • Support to produce policy documents and information material
  • Online training for the organisation


Professional administrative process through an advanced case management system

The administrative officer logs into the system to work on the current case. The system ensures that the correct questions are answered within the right time frame. The case management includes necessary administrative support and pre programmed reminders and instructions.

The system...

...enables anonymous correspondence with the whistleblower.

...is simple to use and facilitates both the reception and the management of cases.  

...generates web based statistics.

...offers support to define security settings such as multifactor authentication and user authorisation.

Contact us